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My New Book — It’s a Different Kind of Thriller

April 2, 2023

Many of you know me as a mystery writer, but I have recently branched out a bit. I have written a memoir of my decade-long cancer experience. It is called STAGE 5: A CANCER JOURNEY, and it has now been published.


My story begins with a Stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis in March 2012. This literally came out of the blue, and I endured eleven years of obstacles and challenges. For me, telling friends and family, and especially my thirteen-year-old son was the most difficult part.

But selecting doctors, seeing no alternative initially to chemo, enrolling in a clinical trial, and enduring a myriad of other challenges are highlighted here. Ultimately, this book tells the story of gaining hope, evolving into a new career, and living with an illness that was initially referred to as terminal, meaning it was thought to be incurable. It has been a true roller coaster ride.

The book is available now on Amazon Kindle, but you can read it on your computer, tablet or phone too. Download the free Kindle app to your device and then go to Amazon to order it. It is a little easier if you have an actual Kindle, but you certainly don’t need one.

You can use the following link to go to my book. From there you can click the button to order and the rest should go smoothly. I am working toward putting this book into paperback, and that should be available soon.

And if you enjoyed reading STAGE 5, I would appreciate if you could write a nice review on Amazon – it helps to get the word out to others.

Thanks a lot, and I hope you like my new book.



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  1. Hi, David: I would love to connect with you as I have also recently published a memoir about my unexpected 9+ year survival of a deadly brain tumor (DIPG).

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